I know...it's hard to believe. I miss blogging. I really do. I miss capturing all those moments, but lately, I haven't even had time to think about my moments.
I'm done! I did it! I made it through taking 11 hours of classes, working full time and raising a family (with a TON of help from Eric!!)! But, I did it!
I'm so glad my semester is over, but I'm ready to keep on keepin on. Gotta love Joe Dirt!
Things are great. I have 2 weeks off before I start summer school. I am quitting working full time and will hopefully have more time for the family and for studying. I'm anxiously awaiting the beginning of June when I will find out if I made it into the program...so keep your fingers crossed.
The kiddos are doing GREAT! Mason is getting way too big and so is Savannah. I seriously can't believe she is going to be 2 in about a month. That's just messed up. I'm going to go find some pictures to post because it's been awhile! :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
I am alive
Lovingly created by
12:27 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
I totally suck!
Seriously. I suck.

Lovingly created by
8:34 AM
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My quirky little girl.
Let me start with this...
Here is my Vannah on Sunday morning. Just playing along with her new kitchen set. Keep in mind, Santa CHOSE this kitchen because of all of the features on the bottom including the refrigerator, oven, etc. however, the only thing she wants to play with is the microwave...so after catching her climbing on top of it a few times, we brought a step stool over...and now she's content.
Please note...the shoes. This girl LOVES shoes. Seriously. What's even more interesting is that the shoes that she loves the most are Mason's! She gets home from school everyday, takes her shoes off, and puts a pair of his on. It's insane!
What I'm trying to say is that she cracks me up! I guess it makes her so loveable...even through her drama queen fits that she throws!!!!
Lovingly created by
5:12 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tell me Santa...by Mason...
We had another Santa encounter, this time at my work.
Check us out...
Here are just a few of the MANY questions that Mason asked Santa Claus.
- Santa, why do you have boots on OVER your tennis shoes?
- Santa, why do you have a hat on?
- Santa, where do you live?
- Why do you live in the North Pole?
- Where is the North Pole?
- Where are your reindeer?
- Where is your sled?
- Where did you get my present at Santa?
He sure is ONE inquisitive little boy!
Lovingly created by
5:47 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
I know...I know...
It's been awhile. Eric and I went to Vegas and it's been crazy at work and I've lacked the time to update my blog. :(
Lovingly created by
7:26 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Treats on Thursday!
I will continue my theme of things I love about the winter to add one of my favorite winter treats.
If you don't know already...I am addicted to candy cane EVERYTHING!
I bathe myself in Candy Cane scented body wash. Spray my candy cane perfume. Burn a candy cane candle and indulge in these fantastic creations....
That's right my friends....some DE-Lightful Candy Cane Kisses. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love them.
If you love me...go out and buy me a bag for Christmas now. :) I'll wait.... :)
Lovingly created by
11:21 AM