Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's Picture Day!
Lovingly created by
7:05 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
My name is Jenni, and I'm a Vera Vixen.
It's almost the beginning of May...and that means...The Vera Bradley Outlet Sale! There is one time during the year, when I look forward to a night of no sleep. I know, a rarity considered I have 2 little ones.
I admit, I have not always been obsessed with Vera Bradley. However, a few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Dana and Crissy and they pulled me to the dark side. About 4 years ago, I went on my first Outlet Sale trip. No, you don't just walk in and shop. We cuddle up in our blankets and camp out on Friday night before the sale, so we can be the first (or second) group in the door. We make our 2 a.m. runs to Steak n Shake for a late snack. At 5:30 a.m. we pack up and get ready for when they let us in the doors at 6 a.m. Then we get inside and wait nervously until the clock strikes 8 a.m. as we chat with the security guards about what product they have. They don't know it yet, but both Savannah and Mason were there (in utero) for 2 sales. :) In fact, I was over 8 months preggo with Savannah last year and the security guards were all VERY worried I was going to go into labor. ;-)
My first year, I was amazed at the way that women become so fiesty over some beautiful pieces of cloth. They open the doors, you run in and grab garbage bags and fill them with as much product as you can get. You block out and grab. Sometimes, you have to get a little mean. Our group establishes a meeting spot and we all drag our heaping full bags and decide what we really want. Meanwhile, the vultures swarm around you. The vultures are the women that weren't fortunate enough or crazy enough to get in line early, and they watch closely for what your toss aways are.
I love it. I love every minute of it! It's so much fun!
I am a vera vixen. This if my 4th year going to the sale, and I have added another "V" to my T-shirt. Thank you so much to Crissy and Dana for including me in this crazy tradition of yours!
I'm looking forward to this weekend and all the treasures I will find and don't forget as it says on the back of my shirt, "If you can read this....the bag is MINE!"
Lovingly created by
6:38 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Today I am unemployed
Today is my first day of unemployment. I don't start my new job until next Monday. What am I doing on my exciting day off? Laundry. My least favorite chore of all. I hate laundry. Hate it with a vengeance. I'm washing clothes, sheets and everything else there is to launder. Have I mentioned that I hate laundry?
We had a wonderful weekend. My wonderful MIL called on Friday afternoon and asked for Mason and Savannah to go and spend the night. So, we dropped the kids off at their house and we enjoyed a nice dinner together. We had a nice time and even got to sleep in a little. Saturday Eric decided to play golf with his friends I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. I ended up shopping and watching some TV. Yesterday we went to get the kids and helped mom put her patio furniture together. ;-) Both Mason and Savannah ended up getting sun this weekend and they look entirely too cute with little red cheeks.
SG started walking behind toys yesterday and she is growing up entirely too fast. I HATE it. Where did my baby girl go? I had to lower the crib mattress this morning, a task designed for 2 people with a doctorate degree, but I DID it! :)
Lovingly created by
7:40 AM
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