Thursday, May 8, 2008

What I'm thankful for!

Mother's day is coming and I want to pay tribute to the people that make me a better mother.

  • Thank you to my wonderful husband for getting me into this situation! :) hee hee

  • Thank you to Savannah and Mason for teaching me something new everyday. I never thought I could feel so much love and pride for anyone in my life!

  • Thank you to my mom. You're the strongest woman I know and I've learned so much from you. You're one of the few people that are constantly telling me how I'm a good mom and I need to hear that so thank you! I love you!!!

  • Thank you to my in-laws (my other parents!) You are always willing to help out and spend time with the kids. That means more to me than anything! I'm so excited that Mason and Savannah are lucky enough to have grandparents like you. I love you both so much!

  • Thank you to my friends for constantly giving me advice and guidance as I go through this amazing experience!

I took these pictures the other day and everytime I look at them I think how lucky I am to have a wonderful family!