Thursday, September 18, 2008

We NEED a doctor in the family.

If I've said it before, I'll say it again.


Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have someone, a family member that you can just call with symptoms? Can you imagine the amount of $$$ you'll save in copays???

I am willing to take one for the team. I have always had a ridiculous love of medicine and my dream is to be a doctor. I just changed my major my senior year and have pursued a marketing career for fun (IDIOT!)

So, someone, anyone out there....please donate to my medical school fund?


Seriously, how do people do it? How could I start over and go back to school? How do people afford it?

Again, I'm asking for donations. Every cent counts. :)

My guarantee to you...I won't charge you $20 or $30 for a medical consultation. I promise!

More to come.....


Angela said...

This is SO funny because seriously, we've had to take at least one (if not both) kid(s) to the dr every week for a solid month. It's so frustrating! So I totally hear ya!

These are the Days! said...

Oh my goodness, you are NOT kidding!! My grandfather was an MD, and it was so nice to have one in the family--I think you can still go back to medical schoo, or how about nursing school??? Or, I have an even better idea--become a P.A.!!! I think it's 2-3 years of school and wonderful pay!! I'll totally support your cause! ;)

Marie said...

My dad is a dr and he really should charge us. We (all 11 of us) call him constantly for questions and consultations. He's and ob/gyn and what a lifesaver during all 3 of my pregnancies.